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Professionals - Szakemberek
Susanna Joseph, Esq., LL.M. / Dr. József Zsuzsanna
Attorney at Law - Principal / Ügyvéd - Irodavezetõ
Susanna Joseph / Dr. Zsuzsanna Jozsef is the founder and principal of the Dr. Jozsef Law Firm, in Budapest, and the law office in the USA, at the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. Admitted to the bar in Hungary, and in the United States of America in Virginia (state and federal courts). She received her J.D. degree at University of Pecs, Faculty of Law, in Hungary in 2004. Her fields of specialization are international private law, international litigation and business law regarding foreign trade and international affairs, and tort cases. Her studies and experience embrace conflict of law issues originated in the differences between the Hungarian/EU and U.S. legal systems. She published several scholarly articles on these questions in law reviews, including the “Official Journal of Jurisprudence” – a monthly legal periodical of the Committee of Jurisprudence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She finished a three-year program with an “absolutorium” for her Ph.D. in legal studies at the Doctorate School of Gaspar Karoli University, Faculty of Law and is working on her dissertation. Ms. Joseph pursued a Master of Laws / LL.M. degree in the United States at George Washington University Law School, Washington, D. C. in 2011. In cooperation with American and Hungarian lawyers, she has been instrumental in helping numerous Hungarian companies to enter overseas markets.
Dr. József Zsuzsanna a Dr. József Ügyvédi Iroda, Budapest alapítója és vezetõje, valamint az amerikai iroda vezetõje Washington, D.C. vonzáskörzetében, aki Magyarországon és az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban, Virginia államban bejegyzett ügyvéd (praktizálhat állami és szövetségi bíróságokon). Jogi diplomáját a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Karán szerezte 2004-ben. Tanulmányai és szakmai tevékenysége során elsõsorban a nemzetközi magánjog, nemzeközi peres eljárások és üzleti jog területekre specializálódott, különös tekintettel a kereskedelmi, üzleti és kártérítési jogi esetekre. Kiterjedt ismeretekkel és tapasztalatokkal rendelkezik a magyar és az Egyesült Államok jogrendszereinek ütközésébõl adódó magánjogi kérdések területén, s e témákban több publikációja jelent meg, többek közt a Jogtudományi Szemlében. Abszolutóriumot szerzett Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem ÁJK hároméves Doktori Iskolájában és jogi Ph.D. disszertációján dolgozik. Jogi tanulmányai során "Master of Laws" - jogi mester diplomát / LL.M. szerzett az Egyesült Államokban a George Washington Jogtudományi Egyetemen, Washington D.C.-ben, 2011-ben. Mindezek mellett jogi karrierje kezdete óta számos magyar vállalat tengerentúli piacralépéséhez nyújtott támogatást magyar és amerikai ügyvédekkel együtt.
Publications - Publikációk
- A 2005. évi Hágai Egyezmény a Joghatósági Megállapodásokról implementációjának nehézségei az Egyesült Államokban (szerkesztés alatt), Jogtudományi Közlöny (Est. 1866 ), “Official Journal of Jurisprudence” – a monthly legal periodical of the Committee of Jurisprudence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 66. évf. 2011. (In Hungarian).
- Legislative solutions for the housing crisis in the United States, Studia Iuridica Caroliensia 4. Budapest, 2009, p. 59-65. (In English).
- Principles of the American real property law, Studia Iuridica Caroliensia, Budapest, 2009/1, KRE-AJK, Cikkek: p. 1-6. (In English).
- The role of Joseph Story to exceed the Theory of Statutum Reale, Joseph Story szerepe a Statútumelmélet meghaladásában, Jogtudományi Közlöny (Est. 1866 ), “Official Journal of Jurisprudence” – a monthly legal periodical of the Committee of Jurisprudence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2007/5, p. 233-238. (In Hungarian).
- The landmark of Statutum Reale in the Saul v. His Creditors case – A statutumelmélet meghaladása a Saul v. His Creditors ügyben, Jogtudományi Közlöny (Est. 1866 ), “Official Journal of Jurisprudence” – a monthly legal periodical of the Committee of Jurisprudence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2007/2, p. 50-61. (In Hungarian).
- International commercial law with American perspectives – Nemzetközi kereskedelmi jog amerikai kitekintéssel – Collega Jogi Szakmai Folyóirat, Budapest, 10. évf., Collega, Budapest, 2006/2-3, p. 204-209. (In Hungarian).
- Entry to the American Market - Information booklet, az NT Kht. Konferencia Kiadványa a 2006. május 11-én az Informatikai és Hírközlési Minisztérium (IHM) és a Magyar Technológiai Központ (HTEC) a "Magyar IKT vállalatok az amerikai piacon - avagy piacra lépés amerikai és magyar szemmel" címû konferenciájára a magyar infokommunikációs szektor külpiaci megjelenése kérdéseirõl, Budapest, 2006. (In English). Content: Business Entities, Tax, Intellectual Property, Immigration, Labor and Employment.
Anna Urban, Esq.
Attorney At Law (Of Counsel)
Anna has six
years of legal experience including corporate compliance via judicial,
litigation, and advisory facets. Her duties focused on providing expertise with
various sophisticated corporate legal issues in connections with international,
intellectual property or regulatory compliance subject matters. Anna advised
clients on regulatory compliance issues, rendered contract analysis, and provided
intellectual property infringement trial support at the prestigious
international law firm of Morgan Lewis & Bockius, and most recently at Teva
Anna worked directly with clients and assisted
developing legal-hold programs and SOP
updates, drafted training
material for personnel, performed federal and state regulatory research to provide
data disposition analysis, and assisted senior counsel with information
management and retention counseling.
At Morgan Lewis, Anna started out in the eData Practice
Group providing eDiscovery litigation support. Her work focused on complex
corporate subject matters where she utilized her international law and
intellectual property background. Through her practice at MLB, Anna has worked
with clients in a broad range of industries, including: pharmaceutical conglomerates, medical device, publishing, consumer
products, construction, retail, software development, venture capital/
investment, and the energy industry.
Prior to working at MLB, Anna clerked for the Honorable
Allan Tereshko and the Honorable Sandra Moss at the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania, Complex Litigation Center. She
handled toxic tort case appeals and assisted with contract renegotiations. She
also volunteered and worked as a Summer Associate at Burke O’Neil, assisting with Alien Claims Tort Act civil procedure
Anna earned her J.D with an Intellectual Property
concentration, from Drexel University College of Law in 2010. While at Drexel,
she was an Inaugural Scholar and graduated with a Pro Bono Recognition Award.
Anna completed International Commercial Arbitration and International
Comparative Law training at Cornell Law School & l'Universite de Paris in
2009. She
received her B.S. in Marketing and Management from Cheyney University of
Pennsylvania (the oldest HBCU in the nation) in 2006, graduating with a 4.0
Anna is a native of Hungary and holds close ties
to her European heritage. She is not only fluent in Hungarian and English but
also speaks French. Her diverse background helped her to work across barriers
and embrace the “Think global act local” mindset. She and her husband
participate in local environmental and political efforts to better the world
for present and future generations.
Anna is admitted to practice law
in the state of Pennsylvania, including federal court (Eastern District of
Pennsylvania), and is Six Sigma certified.
Our team includes professionals from different practice areas.
Csapatunk tagjai kiváló szakemberek különbözõ szakterületekrõl.
This web page is maintained by DR JOZSEF LAW FIRM, registered at the Budapest Bar Association. The laws and legal regulations related to lawyers and information about client rights are accessible through the website of the Hungarian Bar Association www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu.
Ezt a honlapot a Budapesti Ügyvédi Kamarába bejegyzett DR JÓZSEF ÜGYVÉDI IRODA tartja fenn az ügyvédekre vonatkozó jogszabályok és belső szabályzatok szerint, melyek az ügyféljogokra vonatkozó tájékoztatással együtt a www.magyarugyvedikamara.huhonlapon találhatók.